Presentation of The Mediterranean Hip Hop (Ioannina)
Θυμωμένο Πορτραίτο
Album Presentation
«The Mediterranean Hip Hop »
Ticket: 8€
The Mediterranean hip hop strolls the narrow streets of Marseilles stepping on rhythms from Maghreb. In Tunis it causes popular uprisings, and in Cairo and Damascus it gets under the dictator’s skin. It plays the lute in Crete, and the bagpipe in Elikonas, while in Sevilla a Spanish guitar plays its heart “allegro”. It uses samples of Fairuz and Markos Vamvakaris and raps its verses and refrens in Arabic, Greek, Italian, Spanish, French, Catalan, Sardo, Serbocroatian, Albanian, Hebrew, and Turkish. Bendirs from Istanbul and tamburines from Calabria are keeping its rhythm. And in its graffities, ‘Pavlos vive’…